The passing away of my Grandmother on 30th May gave me an decision to make. Go back for the funeral or not. The former was what I wanted to do, so 24hours later, I found myself boarding a 747 bound for London via Hong Kong. Hope I dont have to do 24hour flights on my own again, soooooo incredibly boring, especially when your entertainment system doesn't work!! Was pulling my hair out by the time we landed in Heathrow (now look like Danny De-Vito).
Despite the circumstances that I was there, it was a pleasant trip on the whole. Warm weather (plus some hayfever), the opportunity to catch up with all the family, including meeting my nephew Kiefer for the first time. At 3 months old he's very good at blowing bubbles, and is very cute, his brother Ethan is now approaching 2 and is busy saying words and falling up steps, among other things. My Mum was ok considering (it was her mother who passed away) and I hope she was gald to have me around for a while, the brothers grim were ok too!
I also had a strange compulsion to bring back some PG tips and Minstrels.....funny the other things you miss.
The whole experience gave me stuff to think about. The issue of the moment is do Sian and me want to stay in Australia or go home? Should be simple to answer but its not at all. For me, I think I know what I want but Sian and me are coming back in September for 2 weeks, and that will be the probable decider for us. Sian hasn't been back since we left in November 2004, I hadn't been either until this week. The major problem is a family one of course, I think we'd be happy here forever if we could move everyone else over here! Not going to happpen though.
Time will tell but I do know that for now at least, we are very happy with our existence here, but some Cadburys Creme Egg bars wouldn't go amiss.........