Saturday, January 08, 2005

4 countries in 24 hours(Sian)

Steve and I have to get up at 5.00 to head off in a taxi for the 7 hour ride to Trivandrum. The ride is again beautiful. We stop for coffee at a hill side Cafe and watch the mist descend on the mountains. We do wonder though how some people manage to get to their houses as they are perched right down in the valley with not so much as a footpath leading to them.
Trivandrum is much like any other city, but the airport is tiny.

Our flight to Sri Lanka is 35 minutes, and due to the time difference we arrive just as we have left India. Sri Lanka is very somber. We didn't really want to leave the airport because of the devastation we thought we would see. As it happens though we had to. We had 7 hours to spare and head to Columbo city centre. Columbo was not hit by the Tsunami. We found out after arriving that Columbo is not a particularly nice city. It is really industrial and full of bike and car shops. Steve did accidently find a delicious Swiss restaurant where we finally ate CHEESE. Our waiter was lovely. He told us how he had nearly lost his family to the tidal wave, but had luckily got them off the beach with seconds to spare. He's now putting up a family who lost their house. Speaking to the waiter really brought home to us exactly what has happened, and the difference this natural disaster has made not just to individuals, villages or towns but to whole countries who will suffer from a lack of tourism from now on. Hopefully things will not take long to return to normal here and in all the countries affected.

The next flight we take is with the amazing Singapore airlines. We play on the playstaion in the back of our chairs and watch a movie about London which made us homesick. The flight flew by and before we knew it we had landed in Singapore. Singapore airport is absolutely fabulous we have a little adventure and drink too much coffee before boarding our final flight of the day to Bali.

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