24th February 2005-Ko Pha-Ngan Island.
So, the biggest free beach party in the world, we've gone out and bought some UV fluorescent paint and cut up a pink Lilo to make some interesting outfits, as you do.
Its gonna be a big night so we start drinking early, as you do. Having made ourselves look a little silly, but very cool of course using the afore-mentioned UV paint, we get into our taxi and head to Had Rinn, the scene of the crime. Sian, Tom, Jess and myself have gone ahead of Carly, Trenna and the Irish lads, having arranged to meet up, very cleverly at no specific time. As soon as we got there we realised that meeting people here was a near on impossible task, picking out friends in the UV lights and darkness was very much like looking for George Bush's conscience, so we decided to party with just the 4 of us and if we found t' others then cool.
Dancing away the time starts to pass quickly, aided very nicely by beer and Vodka buckets (the bucket drinking two nights ago led us to believe the sang-som is evil). Amazingly we are pretty sober still at about 2am, we decide to have a quick sit down when one of the Irish lads (Rory) stubles round the corner and collapses next to us. Clearly an indication of how messy things were already we sat with him for a while while we carried on drinking Singha beer. A quick walk round the beach revealed the extent of 'bucket damage', people shagging in the sea and on the beach, sometimes with a small crowd around them, as well as men and women pissing in the sea (its was very warm) as well as the expected vomitting, again into the sea. Painting a nice picture here eh? Thats not to mention the fact that we found 3 hotel rooms keys, several wallets, even a scooter, althought that turned out to belong to a cameraman making a documentery on the party.
The clubs though were really good, all full of UV lights making our outfits glows loads, as well as some funky house music, all was good and fun! As it neared sun rise we headed to the mellow bar on the rocks to the left of the beach, it was only now that we started to feel pissed and amazingly we had been there for about 9 hours!!! As we walked back finding the new day's light amusing we find Carly and Trenna, who had lost their camera and were a little dispondant with each other, alcohol is a funny thing, I'm sure that if it were invented now it would never be made legal.......
The number of accidents is usually a few drownings, and maybe a boat accident or 2, not aware of any this month but having seen a long boat nearly run over a 'frisky' couple we could see how its so dangerous.
7.30 am-As we were covered in sand the only sensible thing to do was jump in the toilet, er I mean sea, fully clothed with Sian and Trenna. Should have remembered to remove my watch though, which died at 7.35am. The 45 minute taxi ride back was spent with a beer (again) and having a water fight, the driver, not being amused, drove at mach 2 to Hut Sun to get us back for making a mess.
As partys go, it was crazy, if you're ever in the area at full moon time, check it ooouttt!!