Monday, February 28, 2005

The next day.....(Steve)

25/2/2005-What do you expect, nothing happened today. Well exept for the fact when Sian went to bed after we watched Pirates of the Caribean, Carly, Trenna, Mick, Rory and me decided that another trip to the pirates bar was in order. We never learn do we!! By 1.30am we were back on the buckets and singing all manor of songs, having two hours of sleep this morning I'm amazed an of us managed to walk never mind this!

The girls were leaving at 6.30 (by boat!!! Good luck girls) so they stayed up singing till departure time, I had given up at 5am, and retired feeling Sang-Som'd to the extreme.

26/2/2005- Tom and Jess had left yesterday,Trenna and Carly left at 6.30am and the Irish lads had gone too at 10am. How much of a post party downer did we have?!?! Sian cried a bit, being really tough and manly of course I did not, we waited for our taxi to take us to the ferry. After last nights swansong at the pirates bar I didn't know what planet I was on, so when we left the very lonely feeling hut sun, I needed to sleep rather a lot. Luckily the ferry crossing to Surat Thani was smooth and I slept all the way. While waiting for the coach to Bangkok I was still feeling a bit odd, managed to sleep till midnight when we had our 14 minute (why not 15?) break. Felt so awake that when offered some valium to help me sleep I accepted, the next thing I remember is waking up in Bangkok feeling very confused having been knocked out by the Valium, and once in our hotel I realised that my mobile was no longer present when I called the register, it had fallen out of the bag on the bus after we got a text and we were so gone that we didnt notice!! Bollocks!!

Moral of the story, dont drink buckets of Sang-Som, dont take Valium on the bus and avoid pretty women in Thailand-they are really men.

Off to Cambodia tomorrow for something completely different, as monty python would say....

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