Monday, October 17, 2005

Moto GP (Steve)

Not more than one day back in Melbourne and we were off to Phillip Island with Wei and Jamie to watch some loonies racing motorbikes at stupidly high speeds, of course the weather was perfect and we got to see some close racing and not too many accidents. Oh, and an F-18 jet barely 500 metres above our heads travelling at the speed of sound, making the ground shake like a small 'quake was starting under our feet.
Television really doesnt give the full impression of how fast the bikes go, Valentino Rossi was flying past us at about 320kph, even the junior class on smaller bikes hit 250 on the end of the straight where we were standing. Scarry stuff. The noise is something else, we couldnt even hear the helicopter above our heads!! Didnt get too many picies but there are some below.
It was in stark contrast to the beauty and peacefulness of Tasmania, and we're flying to New Zealand tomorrow for two weeks of mountains and, well other stuff, will let you know what we find there.

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