Sunday, April 09, 2006

Click on James in Oz.......

......for more pictures of Sian's birthday weekend in Wilsons Promontory National Park.

9/4/06 Why James had to talk to the Lighthouse I dont know Posted by Picasa

Weekend away (Sian)

What a windy rainy weekend we have had... and it's my birthday!

Well, bonus points went for the koala living in the trees in the garden of our beach house. We also got to see Wombats, Emu's, Kangaroos and parrots.

James Steve and I walked on squeaky beach... in the rain!

Still it was all good!

Wilsons Prom from Cape Liptrap Lighthouse. Posted by Picasa

9/4/06 The Gippsland coast, nice Posted by Picasa

8/4/06 Sians birthday pressie was seeing this wombat so close Posted by Picasa

8/4/06- Matt and Jason, its bloody cold, you're either stupid or brave..... Posted by Picasa

8/4/06 ...possibly the latter! Posted by Picasa

my new car Posted by Picasa

another look..... Posted by Picasa

Wrecked Ferrari anyone, one careless owner, low mileage..... Posted by Picasa

2/4/06 Jensen Button leading the field (but not for long) Posted by Picasa

2/4/06 The V8 supercars approach turn 1 Posted by Picasa