Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mauna Kea,we're at 9200ft (out of 14000), slightly out of breath

View across to Hawaii's second highest peak, Mauna Loa.

Mauna Kea, Hawaii's highest peak, well above the clouds

Kilauea Caldera again, but very close this time, choking sulpher

Lave tube, cool.

Formed by a simple process where some lava cools quicker than others.

gotta love rainforests!

fair enough

Shall we stop the car? Dont see this everyday

In the distance, lava is hitting the sea

Kilauea Caldera-The most active volcanoe on earth

Rainbow falls-The Big Island

and yes, I was scarred leaning over the edge, no barriers.....

Waikiki again

Sunset on Waikiki beach, our last night on O'ahu

A damm big ship, the USS Missourri

Self explanatory

USS Arizona.

You're looking at part of the hull of the battleship, which still contains the bodies of about 1100 men, who remain where they fell. It also contains approx 500,000 gallons of oil, that still oozes out today, since 1941.

Pearl Harbor-looking towards Ford Island

USS Arizona memorial ahead, eerie place

Diamond Head crater, a safe place to build on!

Waikiki and Honolulu from Diamond Head crater

Morman kidnapping!

The mormans kidnapped us and brought us here, they even threatened to "come see us in Australia"

Morman kidnapping

Our escape route......

Some people from Tonga, I think.

Polynesian thing at the cultural centre

A Sian on a hill

Looking out over eastern O'ahu

Honolulu at dusk

Honolulu downtown

If anyone knows a big town WITHOUT an Irish pub let me know.

Our 'ride'. It was pretty crap.

31/1/2007 Some stuff on O'ahu.

30/1/2007-Us, Sunset beach, North Shore


Some small waves somewhere on O'ahu's famous North shore. Too messy to surf though.


The weather did clear and presented us with Waikiki beach, which we spent all of about 1 hour on, the whole week we were there.....


The weather sent a welcome to Hawaii party!