Thursday, March 24, 2005

Green Tea and Geisha!! (Steve)

22/3/05 - This afternoon we headed to Gion, the district in Kyoto that is home to the Geishas and Maiko (trainee Geisha). Most of Kyoto is not that pretty but Gion was what we hoped it would be. Old, cute wooden tea houses and houses, and if you're lucky a glimpse of a Geisha or Meiko on thier way to or from an appointment.

Exited by traditional Japan only made our love for this country worse, dont think we'll want to leave on the 10th April!!!

Anyway we find Gion corner (a tourist orientated show of traditional Japanese arts) where we are treated to a tea ceremony, or rather Sian was after volunteering, which involved green tea and cakes, very nice too.

The show had many parts, one of the funniest being a dance using a collecton of old men playing a collection of instruments, the result actually being similar to giving a group of children some random instruments, if you can listening to anyone else and I think a couple of tone deaf musicians may have sneaked in.

In fact, the best part of the show was the dance by two Maiko, they were really good at what they did, and we all sat in wonder.

An amusing play and interesting puppetry were also on the menu, a good job that in the programme it told us what was going on, would have been most confuseing otherwise!!

We're loving it so much in Japan, shame its not as cheap as everywhere else we've been but you get what you pay for......

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